The Right Hand of Business IT World
Marketing that gets your business to stand out from the crowd Creating leads for your business through strong, clear marketing messaging and media In a fast-paced digital world, your marketing can get left behind and buried below those that are at the top of the game. Don’t fall to the bottom of the pile. Get…
How to Create Your Own Viral Moments
With the advent of social media and the rise in popularity of websites like YouTube, viral videos quickly began to pop up. From Charlie bit my finger to Dave after the dentist, short, funny videos were getting a lot of views in a short amount of time. Even though a lot has changed with viral videos since 2010, they…
Seeing the Customer Journey More Clearly
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning Understanding the minds of customers can be challenging. You think you have accounted for their wants and…
How to Write Product Descriptions that Sell
In this article 1. Know who your target audience is 2. Focus on the product benefits 3. Tell the full story 4. Use natural language and tone 5. Use power words that sell 6. Make it easy to scan 7. Optimize for search engines 8. Use good images Create (and test) your own product description…
How to Scale Beyond Stagnant Sales
How to Scale Beyond Stagnant Sales As you start your eCommerce business, it keeps growing quarter after quarter, year after year until you may arrive at a growth plateau. Most eCommerce businesses at some stage hit a plateau. Growth plateau is to reach a level of sales on your eCommerce store with no growth;…
Should Your Company go Cashless?
Should your business go cashless? Pros & Cons The cashless store trend has gained attention for the policy’s many advantages: saved time, increased sales, simpler transactions. But the upsides also come with downsides: transaction fees, legislative action, and lost customers. Going cashless is not a decision an owner should take lightly. Here we explore the…