Blog – 4 Column

How to Write Product Descriptions that Sell
How to Write Product Descriptions that Sell

In this article 1. Know who your target audience is 2. Focus on the product benefits 3. Tell the full story 4. Use natural language and tone 5. Use power words that sell 6. Make it easy to scan 7. Optimize for search engines 8. Use good images Create (and test) your own product description…

Facebook Ads for Beginners
Facebook Ads for Beginners

Facebook Ads For Beginners: FAQs, How To Set Up & Time-Saving Tips Discover great Facebook Ads tips to help you get started on your road to Facebook advertising success, from setup to creative to tracking. As the world’s largest social network, Facebook can be a great way for marketers to reach their target audiences through ads….

How to Scale Beyond Stagnant Sales
How to Scale Beyond Stagnant Sales

How to Scale Beyond Stagnant Sales   As you start your eCommerce business, it keeps growing quarter after quarter, year after year until you may arrive at a growth plateau. Most eCommerce businesses at some stage hit a plateau.   Growth plateau is to reach a level of sales on your eCommerce store with no growth;…

21 Creative Instagram Story Ideas
21 Creative Instagram Story Ideas

Instagram Stories are a fun way to engage your followers and share content that doesn’t take hours to make. But while you can use it to share unedited, in-the-moment photos and videos, it can soon get boring for your audience. If you want to keep your followers engaged using Instagram Stories, you also need to plan…

How to Design a Memorable Logo
How to Design a Memorable Logo

How to Design a Memorable Logo   A logo is nothing but a symbol that people recognize and quickly associate it with the company and its business. But logos, in today’s competitive world, are visual identities of businesses to draw customers’ attention. A memorable logo design is, therefore, essential for businesses today in many ways…

A New Era of Technology
A New Era of Technology

Dolore commodo ea excepteur, do irure praetermissum aut enim proident aut laboris, an lorem irure irure commodo. Iudicem culpa litteris ad enim eu mandaremus. Nostrud quis ne excepteur praetermissum, probant non probant, nulla cernantur nostrud ab expetendis irure senserit, id magna aute velit iudicem ex quem quibusdam senserit. Si nisi de aliqua, si mandaremus sed…

The Risk of Ignoring Risk
The Risk of Ignoring Risk

Maybe you’re too busy. Maybe your outlook is “Don’t go looking for trouble.” Perhaps you don’t understand business risk management, and you don’t know if it matters for businesses that aren’t giants. Just in case you’re not completely sold on the vital importance of sound business risk management for the health of your company, let’s…

Should Your Company go Cashless?
Should Your Company go Cashless?

Should your business go cashless? Pros & Cons The cashless store trend has gained attention for the policy’s many advantages: saved time, increased sales, simpler transactions. But the upsides also come with downsides: transaction fees, legislative action, and lost customers. Going cashless is not a decision an owner should take lightly. Here we explore the…

This Week’s 5 Must-Read Stories
This Week’s 5 Must-Read Stories

1. World’s largest crypto exchange hacked with possible losses of $500m Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, may have lost half a billion dollars after a hack of its network. The company temporarily suspended transactions and the transfer of funds after detecting an exploit between two blockchains, a method of digital theft that has been…

The Top 10 Marketing Tips
The Top 10 Marketing Tips

Any industry that relies heavily on technology has major changes year after year. Marketing is one of those landscapes that changes so quickly, it’s challenging to keep up with the best practices. Here are 10 marketing tips to optimize your strategy this year, based on the latest trends: 1. Look for Opportunities to Diversify Most…